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Summer-School 2023

International Summer-School 2023: Post-Holocaust-Remedies

In 2023, the Chair of Public Law and International Law, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, organized a summer school in cooperation with the Law Faculty of the Reichman University (Herzliya, Israel) as part of the project "The post-Holocaust Development of Legal Remedies as a Learning Process." You will soon find experience reports and impressions of the summer school on the following page.

  • FAQ

    We have compiled an online FAQ for a quick yet thorough overview, providing answers to most questions regarding the Summer-School on "post-Holocaust Remedies" in Israel and Germany 2023. Do not hesitate to contact us with questions or suggestions at We will get back to you as soon as possible. (Please note that the summer school already took place in summer 2023. We just wanted to let you know that any questions about the application won't be answered anymore.)

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